【数据报告】2008 China DBS Industry Report
DVBCN数字电视中文网 | 2010-01-11 17:00
  In October 29th 2006, “Sinosat-2”—the first radio and TV DBS was launched. Then in November 28th, 2006, according to the announcement issued by Sinosat Communication Co.,Ltd, the solar array and communication antenna of Sinosat was unable to burst because of technical failure, which made it unable to work. This incident will delay the start of China DBS industry, till the launch of “Chinasat-9”-backup satellite of “Sinosat-2”. According to the original plan, “Chinasat-9” will be launched in the first half of 2008. Therefore in “2008 China DBS Industry Report”, we make some adjudgment to the industry analysis and forecast in related part.
  As an important national project which can enhance the coverage rate of China radio and TV, China DBS industry can also hoist GDP.
  This report makes exposition and demonstration in the following aspects: China macroenvironemnt for development, China astronautics and satellite communication broadcast, policy direction analysis, technique system and standard, DBS industry operation and operation model, DBS industry chain, forecast of market development trends and market investment opportunity. We also brings up our suggestions to relevant chip manufacturers, terminal equipment manufacturers as well as investors in it.

Release Institution: R&T Research of Radio&Television Information
Release date: Dec 2007
Tables and charts: 40
Words: 100,000
Price: Print: ¥6800  Electronic: ¥7800 English: $2500

Table of Content
Chapter 1 Basic conclusion and suggestion
Chapter 2 Macro-environment for development
1. International DBS development features
(1) Overall
(2) America
(3) Europe
(4) Japan and Korea
(5) Malaysia
(6) India
2. China DBS industry chain
(1) Industry chain structure and status
(2) Industry attribute and development features
3. Development background and preparation situation of China DBS
(1) Development background
(2) Development history
(3) Construction objective
(4) DBS

Chapter 3 China astronautics and satellite communication broadcast
1. China astronautics industry development
2. China satellite communication development
(1) China satellite communication companies in space segment
(2) Introduction of in-orbit radio and TV satellite
3. China satellite radio and TV

Chapter 4 Policy direction study
1. Policy on developing DBS in China
(1) Current policy and background when establishing it
(2) Execution of current policy
2. Position of DBS
(1) National project
(2) Major project
(3) Coverage system
(4) Market development
3. What does DBS mean in policy
(1) Contiuation of the utility function
(2) Preliminary grope of market management
(3) Moderate loosening of strict regulation
4. DBS policy development trends
(1) Policy evolution and influencing factors
(2) Development trends (short-term, long-term)

Chapter 5 Techinical system and[FS:Page] standard
1. Frequency planning
(1) Division of radio frequency
(2) Frequency of satellite radio & TV and limitation on it
(3) Frequency of DTV DBS
2. Content safety
3. Coding standard
(1) Information source
(2) Channel
4. Technical parameter of DBS

Chapter 6 Industry operation and operation model of DBS
1. Industry operation model and features
2. China’s strategy on DBS industry operation
3. China DBS operation on space segment
(1) Space segment operators
(2) Space segment operation model
4. China DBS operation on ground segment
(1) Utility operators on ground segment
(2) Utility operation model on ground segment
(3) Business operators on ground segment
(4) Business operation model on ground segment

Chapter 7 DBS industry chain
1. Chip company
(1) Market competition
(2) Major competitors
2. CA company
(1) Market competition
(2) Major competitors
3. Terminal receiver

Chapter 8 Forecast of DBS market development trends
1. Major influncing factors in futural market development
2. The game relation between DBS DTV and other transmission channels
(1) DBS and cable DTV
(2) DBS and DTT
3. Forecast of futural market size

Chapter 9 DBS market investment opportunity
1. Investment opportunity
2. Investment risk and circumvention
1. No.129 Order

Table Catalog

Table 1 Status of global broadcast satellite network and orbit resource
Table 2 Major DBS TV system in America
Table 3 DirecTV subscriber number development
Table 4 EchoStar subscriber number development
Table 5 BskyB subscriber number development
Table 6 Japanese DTH subscriber number development
Table 7 Korean DTH subscriber number development
Table 8 Malaysian DTH subscriber number development
Table 9 Indian DTH subscriber number development
Table 10 Technical parameter of “Chinasat-6B”
Table 11 Technical parameter of “Chinasat-1”
Table 12 Main technical index of “Sinosat-1”
Table 13 Performance parameter of “Sinosat-3”
Table 14 Technical parameter of “Asiasat-2”
Table 15 Technical parameter of “Asiasat-3S”
Table 16 Technical parameter of “Asiasat-4”
Table 17 Technical parameter of “APSTAR-IIR”
Table 18 Technical parameter of “APSTAR-V”
Table 19 Technical parameter of “APSTAR-VI”
Table 20 Radio and TV coverage rate at the end of 2005
Table 21 Band and name of radio spectrum
Table 22 Frequently used alphabetic code and frequency band
Table 23 Overall technical introduction of China DBS
Table 24 AVS standard constitution
Table 25 Patent royalty needed for use of different coding standards
Table 26 Industrialization progress of AVS chip
Table 27 AVS standard development
Table 28 Main technical parameters of DBS
Table 29 Cost-effectiveness of operation on space segment
Table 30 The commercial viability of charging f[FS:Page]rom rural population
Table 31 Cost-effectiveness of operation on ground segment
Table 32 Product categories of main chip companies

Chart catalog
Chart 1 Industry chain
Chart 2 EIRP isoline of “Sinosat-2”
Chart 3 Field intensity of “Chinasat-9”
Chart 4 AVS position in audio compression standard
Chart 5 Profile of AVS DRM core
Chart 6 DBS utility operation model in ground segment
Chart 7 DBS commercial operation model in ground segment
Chart 8 The reception system of AVS-S based on AVL1108 chip

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