【数据报告】 Introduction of 2008 China CATV Industry Report
DVBCN数字电视中文网 | 2010-01-11 17:00
  This report is co-composed by the professional research institution—R&TI Reseach, SARFT and its cooperation partner GL Research.

  The report is based on large amount of survey and research; full and accurate research data as well as actual situation of CATV operators in the whole country is the main supporting point of it.

  This report takes questionnaire as the major survey method, and combines many other methods including telephone interview, in-depth interview, field survey. Concerning the using of research data, we cite them in related parts according to the main structure of the report.

  Until June 2007, China CATV subscribers number had risen from 138.9 million at the end of 2006 to 143 million; China cable DTV also made a breakthrough—its subscribers had risen from 16 million in 2006 to 18.17 million households; Meanwhile, pay TV industry chain had formed, and HDTV had been launched. Concentrating on first-hand research data, this report comprehensively reflects the status of China CATV, analyzes and discusses relevant policies on it, and comprehensively analyzes the development trends of it. What is worthy of note is that the report is the first one to give a detailed account of the two-way rebuilding of cable network; Besides, it also gives a general introduction of some investment situation.

Release Institution: R&T Research of Radio&Television Information (R&TI), SARFT
Issue date: March 2008
Words:80,000 Page: 112 Figures: 53 Chapter:6 Price: Print:¥7800 Electronic:¥8800 English: $2500

Table of Content
1. Background
2. Research scope
3. Research methods
4. Investigated individual
5. Report features
6. Application scope
Chapter 1 Basic conclusion and suggestion
1.1 Basic conclusion
1.2 Suggestion on industry development
1.2.1 Suggestion to investors
1.2.2 Suggestion to cable network operators
1.2.3 Suggestion to equipment manufacturers

Chapter 2 Policy on cable TV industry
2.1 Development history and features of cable TV industry
2.1.1 Development history
2.1.2 Development features
2.1.3 Cable TV industry chain structure
2.2 Policy on cable TV industry and analysis
2.2.1 Relevant policy on cable TV industry
2.2.2 Policy analysis
2.3 Development trends of policy on cable TV industry
2.3.1 Competition position of cable industry in different transmissionchannels
2.3.2 Policy guidance that broadcasting system gives to cable TV industry
2.3.3 Influence that three-network integration has on cable TV industry policy
2.3.4 The reciprocal opening trends of broadcasting and telecom indsutries

Chapter 3 Cable TV industry status
3.1 Operation entity of cable TV netwrok
3.2 Technology status of cable TV netwrok
3.3 Integration and two-way rebuilding of cable TV netwrok
3.3.1 Netwrok integration model
3.3.2 Netwrok integration status
3.3.3 Two-way rebuilding of cable TV netwrok
3.4 Structure of cable TV network subscribers[FS:Page]
3.4.1 Cable TV subscribers number
3.4.2 Cable DTV subscribers number
3.5 Income structure of cable TV network
3.5.1 Annual income/turnover
3.5.2 Structure of cable TV subscribers development
3.5.3 Income from content and service
3.6 Investment status of cable TV network
3.6.1 Investment entity
3.6.2 Investment status

Chapter 4 Development of cable TV digitalization
4.1 Development history and features of cable TV digitalization
4.1.1 Development history
4.1.2 Development features
4.1.3 Industry chain structure
4.2 Policy on cable TV digitalization and analysis
4.3 Construction of cable TV digitalization platform
4.3.1 Content platform
4.3.2 Technology platform
4.3.3 Service platform
4.4 Cable TV digitalization progress
4.4.1 Cable DTV subscribers number
4.4.2 Cable digitalization progress by province and important region
4.4.3 Development features of cable TV digitalization
4.4.4 Cable DTV charge by region
4.5 Netwrok financing/investment in cable TV digitalization
4.5.1 Price and hearing
4.5.2 Loan
4.5.3 Cooperation
4.6 Competition status of manufacturers participating in cable TV digitalization
4.6.1 Head end equipment
4.6.2 CAS
4.6.3 Others
4.7 Regional cable TV digitalization development
4.6.1 Guangdong
4.7.2 Guangxi
4.7.3 Jiangsu
4.7.4 Zhejiang
4.7.5 Yunnan

Chapter 5 Operation model for cable TV industry
5.1 Operation model and existing problem
5.1.1 Utility service and commercial service
5.1.2 Bottleneck in value-added service
5.1.3 Inspiration that telecom operation has on broadcasting operation
5.2 Basic service—utility service
5.3 Value-added service—commercial service
5.3.1 Data broadcast
5.3.2 VOD
5.3.3 Data service
5.3.4 TV commerce
5.4 Influence that consumers’ behavior has on cable business model
5.5 Strategy deployment for the regional operation of cable TV digitalization

Chapter 6 Forecast of cable TV industry development
6.1 Policy development trends
6.2 Subscriber development trends
6.2.1 Cable TV subscriber
6.2.2 DTV subscriber
6.3 Cable TV development strategy
6.3.1 Cable DTV development strategy
6.3.2 Analysis of cable industry strategy in big cities
6.3.3 Analysis of cable industry strategy in small and medium-sized cities
6.4 Operation development trends
6.4.1 Content development trends
6.4.2 Network technology development trends
6.4.3 Terminal types development trends
6.4.4 Current problems
6.5 Investment outlook
6.6 Investment risk and circumvention

Chart catalog
Chart 1: 2002-2007 China DTV subscribers growth
Chart 2: China cable TV industry chain
Chart 3: The original four-level management structure—from SARFT to regional cable TV
Chart 4: 2007 two-way rebuilding trends of China cable TV network
Chart 5: Comparison of 2001-2007 China cable TV and DTV subscribers increment
Chart 6: Structure change of 2001-2007 China cable TV and DTV subscribe[FS:Page]rs
Chart 7: 2000-2007 China cable TV subscribers number
Chart 8: 2002-2010 China cable TV subscribers number and forecast
Chart 9: 1982-2007 China broadcasting industry income
Chart 10: 2006 China cable TV income structure
Chart 11: 2007 China cable TV income structure
Chart 12: 2003-2010 cable STB subscribers structure change
Chart 13: China cable TV development stages
Chart 14: China cable TV industry chain structure
Chart 15: DTV service platform in Changde, Hunan province
Chart 16: 2002-2007 number of contract China DTV subscribers signed
Chart 17: 2007 China cable TV digitalization levels in top-6 administrative regions
Chart 18: 2006 China digitalization levels by province and municipality directly under the Central Government
Chart 19: China digitalization levels by province and municipality directly under the Central Government by the end of June 2007
Chart 20: The respective ratio of digitalization levels in municipality directly under the Central Government and the top-6 regions in the whole nation
Chart 21: Comparison of digitalization levels in municipality directly under the Central Government and the top-6 regions and that in Paris
Chart 22: Cable DTV subscriber number in cities at different levels
Chart 23: Comparison of DTV subscribers number and local GDP in overall switchover cities
Chart 24: Market shares of CA manufacturers
Chart 25: 2007 market shares of CA manufacturers
Chart 26: Sumavision’s VisionSkv EPG system interface
Chart 27: Interface of Sumavision’s TV colored message system
Chart 28: Structure of TV colored message system
Chart 29: Principle of TV commerce platform
Chart 30: 2007 distribution of provinces with relatively large increment of cable DTV subscribers
Chart 31: 2007-2010 China cable TV subscribers development trends
Chart 32: 2007-2011 China analog TV subscribers development trends
Chart 33: 2007-2011 China cable TV digitalization trends
Chart 34: Influence that digitalization has on cable industry
Chart 35: Valuation and investment grade of major listed media companies
Chart 36: 2004-2006 added value of China culture industry
Chart 37: 1986-2006 disposable income and GDP per capita of China city and town dwellers
Chart 38: Cable DTV charge in some cities

Table catalog
Table 1: China cable TV network integration in some cities
Table 2: 2007 two-way cable TV network rebuilding in China
Table 3: Structure and number of China cable TV subscribers
Table 4: Instructions and addresses delivered by leaders of the Party Central Committee and the State Council
Table 5: List of policy documents issued by ministries and commissions on promoting DTV development
Table 6: Documents issued by SARFT about promoting cable DTV
Table 7: China digitalization levels in provinces and municipalities under direct central control in June 2007
Table 8: Cable TV digitalization levels in the top-6 administrative regions
Table 9: 2007 ca[FS:Page]ble DTV subscribers number in cities at different levels
Table 10: Profile of DTV programs charge in some cities
Table 11: Cities where price hearing has been conducted
Table 12: 2007 STB increment and brands in major DTV cities
Table 13: Statistic data of 2007 China CAS market
Table 14: Cities where the overall switchover is planned to be completed in 2007, 2008 and 2010
Table 15: Influence of cable TV digitalization
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