DVBCN&AsiaOTT | 吴昊 | 2016-08-24 16:10

近日,FreedomPop推出了其Global SIM 的新版本——WhatsApp SIM,可无限使用FaceBook广受欢迎的WhatsApp短信和语音应用服务。这项最初只有西班牙FreedomPop用户可免费使用的服务,现已推广至美国。
除了“不限量”使用WhatsApp,WhatsApp SIM还为使用FreedomPop Messaging App的用户提供每月可免费使用的200MB数据流量、100分钟语音通话和100条免费短信。与FreedomPop的其他套餐一样,用户间通过结成Freedom Friends,每月可额外获得500MB数据流量。FreedomPop还推出预付费的WhatsApp套餐,不限时的语音通话和短信。
免费 -“不限量”WhatsApp使用权,100分钟语音通话,100条短信和200MB数据流量
$20.99 – “不限量”WhatsApp使用权,不限时语音通话和短信,1GB数据流量
$29.99 – “不限量”WhatsApp使用权,不限时语音通话和短信,2GB数据流量
FreedomPop官网上WhatsApp SIM的售价是$9.99外加$1.99运费。目前,FreedomPop的老用户还不能自动获取“不限量”WhatsApp服务。根据FreedomPop论坛版主的说法,目前Global SIM用户能通过点击这里添加“不限量”WhatsApp。 
WhatsApp SIM应用于25个国家和地区超过30家网络上,其中包括美国、英国、德国、法国、葡萄牙、西班牙和意大利。数据使用HSPA+,LTE不可用。在美国,FreedomPop的Global SIM和WhatsApp SIM使用的都是AT&T和T-Mobile的网络。SIM卡应像来自英国的三家网络一样,将自身定义为解锁版。

US MVNO, FreedomPop Brings WhatsApp Zero-Rating to the US
FreedomPop has announced a new version of its Global SIM called the WhatsApp SIM that includes unlimited use of FaceBook’s wildly popular WhatsApp messaging and calling app. This feature, which was originally only offered to FreedomPop’s Spanish users, is now available in the US.
In addition to unlimited WhatsApp, the new SIM also provides 200 MB of data per month for free along with 100 VOIP minutes and 100 SMS using FreedomPop’s Messaging app. As with other FreedomPop plans, users can get up to 500 MB of additional free data per month by connecting to other FreedomPop users as Freedom Friends. FreedomPop also offers paid WhatsApp plans with more data and unlimited VOIP minutes and SMS. 
The following plans are available:
Free – unlimited WhatsApp, 100 VOIP minutes, 100 SMS and 200 MB data.
$20.99 – unlimited WhatsApp, unlimited VOIP minutes, unlimited SMS and 1 GB data.
$29.99 – unlimited WhatsApp, unlimited VOIP minutes, unlimited SMS and 2 GB data.
Making data for free for some apps or services, but not all, is called zero rating and it’s a controversial practice 
because it gives the zero rated service(s) a competitive advantage. The internet has traditionally allowed all content and service providers equal access. The FCC has issued a Net Neutrality rule that appears to prohibit zero rating. However all four national operators have instituted zero rating schemes and the FCC has not taken any action against them.
WhatsApp SIMs are available now FreedomPop.com/WA for $9.99 plus $1.99 shipping. Current FreedomPop users do not automatically get zero rated WhatsApp. But according to a post by a moderator on the FreedomPop Forum, current global SIM users can add free WhatsApp by clicking here. 
The WhatsApp SIM works on more than 30 networks in 25 countries including the US, UK, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain and Italy. Data is HSPA+, LTE is not available. In the US, FreedomPop Global and WhatsApp SIMs use both AT&T and T-Mobile. The SIMs identify themselves as being from the Three UK network so an unlocked phone is required.










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