西班牙虚商Tuenti向其现存用户推出了一项优惠促销活动,用户在春季4月1日至5月31日期间消费的数据会在今夏7月1日至8月31日期间得到返还。在这项名为'Boomerang Effect'活动条款之下,在春季使用数据少于1G的用户,7月份和8月份会分别收到500M的数据返还;使用数据在1G至2G之间的用户,在7月份及8月份会分别收到1G的数据返还;最后,在4月份和5月份之间使用数据超过2G的用户将在今夏的月份里的到总计3G的返还流量。
Spain's Tuenti offers up to 3GB of free summer data
Key words:Tuenti
Spanish MVNO Tuenti has launched a promotion for existing customers whereby the data they consume in spring (between 01 April and 31 May) will be returned to them free of charge in the summer (01 July to 31 August). Under the terms of the offer, dubbed 'Boomerang Effect', users who consume less than 1GB in data in springtime will be given 500MB in July and 500MB in August, while those accumulating between 1GB and 2GB will be given 1GB in July and in August. Finally, those who consume over 2GB in April and May will be given a total of 3GB in the summer months.
俄罗斯移动虚拟运营商Yota主要通过移动运营商Megafon的网络向用户提供服务,现在已经升级了其4G基站。该运营商扩展了其基站的交换节点,现在能够为额外的513,000名用户提供支持。基站通过GSM-900/1800, IMT-2000/UMTS以及4G技术在远东联邦的11个地区提供服务。联邦通信监管机构Roskomnadzor的区域分支清除了基站的商业开发。
Yota upgrades portable base station in the Far-East
Key words:Yota
Russian MVNO Yota, providing its services mainly over the network of mobile operator Megafon, has upgraded its portable LTE base station. The operator expanded the switching node of the base station, making support for 513,000 additional numbers possible. The base station provides services over GSM-900/1800, IMT-2000/UMTS and LTE technologies in 11 regions of the Far-East federal district. The regional branch of the federal telecommunications regulator Roskomnadzor cleared the commercial exploitation of the base station.
据当地报纸Budapest Business Journal报道,由于零售商巨头乐购与沃达丰联合推出的虚商乐购移动决定停止运作,所以其用户大概在4月16日的时候将会被合并到匈牙利运营商沃达丰旗下。在4月6日至16日之间,用户无法订购乐购的移动服务。同样,截至4月5日,乐购移动用户起也无法要回其账户,一直到合并完成。转向沃达丰的服务需要一次网络更新,短信以及语音设置更新,这些情况变更用户将会收到一条通知消息。在这样转变之后,一些资费套餐仍是可用的,但是某些特定选项以及条款有可能改变或者是被废弃。乐购移动自从2012年3月份开始在匈牙利运营。
Vodafone Hungary to take over Tesco Mobile customers
Key words:Tesco Mobile
Hungarian MVNO Tesco Mobile's customers will be merged into the Hungarian operations of Vodafone Hungary around 16 April as the MVNO launched by retail giant Tesco in cooperation with Vodafone decided to stop activating, writes local paper Budapest Business Journal. The purchase of new Tesco subscriptions for mobile services will not be possible between 6 and 16 April. Also, Tesco Mobile customers cannot recharge their accounts as of 5 April until the merger is complete. The switch of services to Vodafone will require an upgrade of internet, MMS and voicemail settings, for which customers will receive a text message. Some tariffs will still be available after the switch but certain options and conditions could either change or be dropped. Tesco Mobile operated in Hungary since March 2012.