Freemium MVNO model a success, claims FreedomPop head
Key words:FreedomPop
The UK launch of its free MVNO service was a success, said FreedomPop president Nicholas Constantinopoulos.“It has been a showcase for the company and demonstrates we can break into markets other than the US. We’re in talks with other operators in Latin America, Asia and Africa to do the same.”
He confirmed that the company was financially comfortable, having now raised $85 million, which would enable it to expand into other markets around the world.
This UK launch – its first outside of the US – required no capital expenditure with all operations and IT systems being hosted on FreedomPop’s systems in Los Angeles.
“There is no staff in the UK,” said Constantinopoulos in the Reinvention of the MVNO conference session. “New customers do everything online. We have nothing like top-up or scratch cards.”
On a more general note, Constantinopoulos warned that MVNOs attempting to compete in markets using price was a route to failure. “I suggest that an MVNO should look to specialise and innovate, perhaps focusing on the IoT or M2M sectors.”
Sprint和英国零售商Dixons Carphone合作将开500家零售商店
Sprint日前宣布其将和英国的消费电子产品零售商Dixons Carphone合作在全国开设500家Sprint品牌店。
Sprint和Dixons Carphone推出了一个合资企业,各承担50%的成本,从中获得50%的利润。Dixons Carphone之前曾与Best Buy合作推出“百思买移动和极客团队”项目。
Sprint宣称去年夏天选择在美国市场上和Dixons Carphone合作去开设了20个新店。
Sprint to partner with Dixons Carphone to open 500 retail stores
Key words:Sprint
Sprint said it will team with British consumer electronics retailer Dixons Carphone to open and operate as many as 500 Sprint-branded stores across the country, building on a pilot program the companies launched last year.
The companies unveiled a joint venture in which each will put up half the costs and each will have a 50 percent stake. Dixons Carphone formerly partnered with Best Buy to launch Best Buy Mobile and the Geek Squad program.
Sprint said last summer it would work with Dixons Carphone to build and operate roughly 20 new Sprint stores in select U.S. markets.
Lebara, LycaMobile, Axiata, Transatel这些国际运营商都想要获得伊朗的虚商牌照。
Iran Regulatory has extended MVNO Licensing deadline
Key words:MVNO
It seems that the story of licensing for MVNOs in Iran is going to be prolonged!
Communication Regulatory Authority (CRA) has announced that based on the request coming from MVNO Applicants, it has postponed deadline for getting official documents for International partners until January 20th.
Based on published data from CRA, 30 international operators have submitted their interests for making partnership with Iranian companies.
New Year holidays and also existing barriers regarding the sanctions have put difficulties for consortiums to finalize partnerships and submitting the qualification documents on time.
Lebara, LycaMobile, Axiata, Transatel are in the list of international operators who are interested to get MVNO license in Iran.