众视网 | Grace | 2016-02-24 16:48

FOCUS: Russia’s Rostelecom to act soon as MVNO on Tele2 network
Key words:Rostelecom
Russia’s Rostelecom is consistent in its strategy to expand services, which vary from fixed line connection to IPTV, and will soon debut as a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO).
Analysts said the project will not consume much investment and money will be mostly spent on advertisements.
State-controlled Rostelecom will sign an agreement to start operating as an MVNO on the network of T2 RTK Holding, its own joint venture with Tele2, functioning under the latter’s brand, within the nearest months. Rostelecom keeps 45% in the joint venture.The agreement will enable Rostelecom to provide and sell mobile services in a package with fixed line, broadband and pay TV.
An MVNO is a wireless communications services provider that does not own infrastructure, but enters into an agreement with a mobile network operator to provide services. It sets its retail prices independently.
ViRural将在尼日利亚建设2000个基站解决这方面的需求。Russell Southwood向ViRural集团的CEO阐述了他们将如何做。
ViRural’s “upside-down” MVNO will fill the rural gaps in Africa, starting with Nigeria
Key words:MVNO
Everyone knows that there’s more voice and data business at the edge of the current coverage areas but no-one yet has either got the business model or the regulatory relationships right.
ViRural is setting out to build 20,000 base stations in Nigeria to address just this need. Russell Southwood spoke to ViRural Group’s CEO Paul Talley about how they will do it.
Talley comes from a finance background and spotted the rural communications opportunity whilst working in Africa:”I was working helping Governments raise capital to build infrastructure. I was struck by the lack of connectivity outside urban areas. I thought this looks like an interesting opportunity: telecoms to serve rural areas.”Unlike various previous attempts using low cost base stations (like the now-defunct Altobridge), ViRural has simply bought together existing components and software:”There really isn’t a technological advantage here. We’re simply taking existing components and putting them together.”
据Otono的首席执行官Emir Aboulhosn介绍,这个计划是为了为小孩儿在连不上wifi的时候提供短暂的移动服务,尤其是当手机像一个ipod时,手机是连不上移动网络的。这项服务对单亲家庭很适用,他们的小孩儿就不是总是需要移动连接,预算又很紧张。
Otono Networks’ new MVNO, Krew Mobile, targets parents and youngsters with remotely activated SIMs
Key words:new MVNO Krew Mobile
Otono Networks is growing its little family of branded MVNOs targeted at very specific niches. And once again it’s hoping to use self-activating SIM cards as a differentiator.
Otono recently launched a $39 monthly offering branded Krew Mobile. Krew includes one line for a parent with unlimited nationwide talk, text and data, and two lines for children with talk and text.
The kids’ lines can be remotely activated by parents via a text from their own handsets. Those two lines share 30 one-hour blocks of cellular access that can be used for voice and text.
The idea, according to Otono CEO Emir Aboulhosn, is to give kids temporary access to cellular when they can’t connect using Wi-Fi, particularly on “phones being used as iPods” because they no longer access cell networks. The service could be ideal for single parents, he said, whose children don’t often need cellular access and whose budgets are already stretched thin.
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