【国际MVNO快讯】6.15起西班牙虚商Ion Mobile将其用户转至Telefonica

一、6.15起西班牙虚商Ion Mobile将其用户转至Telefonica

西班牙虚商Ion Mobile旗下的虚商子品牌公司Aire Networks,从6月15日起,将用户使用的虚拟网从Orange虚拟网变更为Movistar (即Telefonica)虚拟网。同时Aire Networks公司也转型为4G业务可覆盖至全国的全方位虚商。据Xataka Movil网站报道,Ion Mobile公司为了纪念这历史性的一刻,将在未来3个月把所有套餐全面升级,即每月增加1GB的额外数据流量,另外该运营商也将提供更先进和多样化的服务,如多SIM卡业务和数据共享业务。最初,Ion Mobile公司用户能将与其他用户共享月租费或额外捆绑套餐内的300MB数据流量。其用户也可以在两个不同的手机中使用同一SIM卡。

Spain's Ion Mobile to migrate users to Telefonica on 15 June

Spain's Aire Networks, which operates under the Ion Mobile brand, will begin migrating users from the Orange network to that of Movistar (Telefonica) on 15 June, converting itself into a full MVNO with 4G coverage throughout the country. To mark the migration, Ion Mobile will be adding 1GB of extra data per month to all tariffs over the next three months, reports website Xataka Movil, with the operator also offering more advanced and varied services such as multiSIM and data sharing. Initially, Ion Mobile users will be able to share blocks of 300MB of data from their monthly tariff or additional bundles, with other users. Subscribers can also copy their SIM and use it in two separate devices.

二、Ortel Mobile为移民人员提供Welcome App

德国虚商Ortel Mobile鼎力支持专为德国“新来者”设计的Welcome App应用软件。由于得到了Ortel公司这一“靠山”,该应用程序现已支持七种不同语言(包括最新收录的希腊语),并为Ortel公司所在地——Duesseldorf地区的用户量身定制。Welcome App的运营者为非盈利组织IT hilft,并且Welcome App中包含了海量信息,可帮助到众多难民、新移民和已融入当地群体的移民者。Ortel公司能自如地将目标聚焦于移民群体,并将其视为目标用户。

Ortel Mobile offers support to Welcome App for migrants

German MVNO Ortel Mobile has given its backing to the 'Welcome App' designed for newcomers to Germany. Thanks to Ortel's support, the app is now available in a seventh language - Greek - and customised for the Duesseldorf region, where Ortel is based. The Welcome App is managed by the non-profit group IT hilft and offers a range of information to help refugees, migrants and immigrants acclimatise to Germany. Ortel said its support follows naturally from its focus on immigrant groups as customers.

三、太思&EA于马来西亚推出旅行SIM卡 核心为eSIM卡

安全移动服务提供商——太思科技(Taisys Technologies),早前于Enabling Asia Tech公司(以下简称EA)共同推出了一款基于eSIM卡的旅行SIM卡,名为“m8 World SIM”。马来西亚移动虚拟网络集成商Enabling Asia Tech同时还运营一家Buzzme(一虚商品牌)旗下的虚商。随着m8 World SIM卡的推出,EA公司旗下虚商和Buzzme公司的用户都能使用基于eSIM卡远程供给和管理技术的漫游服务,其中太思科技公司作为Slimduet平台的提供商为这两家公司开发SIM卡远程供给和管理技术。
太思科技Slimduet平台开发了m8 World SIM卡并将其定位为旅行SIM卡,并为用户电子设备提供eSIM卡技术支持。EA公司的东盟现有虚商和潜在虚商用户都可使用m8 World SIM卡产品。
太思科技Slimduet平台是一个为用户电子设备提供远程SIM卡供给和管理技术的平台。 该公司的最初目标用户为“沉默的漫游用户”,这些用户并不是通过国内运营商的SIM漫游,而是通过国外不同的设备来源连接网络。该平台作为一个国际市场,为移动运营商提供和销售预付费套餐,以及为终端用户提供可互操作的、跨国界的数据流量、话音和短信服务的移动连接。该平台为移动网络运营商(MNOs)提供批发服务,其中移动网络运营商将数字化其业务,并且该业务实时分布在各个移动网络运营商之间。移动网络运营商还推出了一零售业务。

Taisys, EA launch eSIM-based travel SIM in Malaysia

Taisys Technologies, a provider of secure mobile services, has launched an eSIM-based travel SIM dubbed ‘m8 World SIM’, in partnership with Enabling Asia Tech (EA). Malaysian MVNA Enabling Asia also operates an MVNO under the ‘Buzzme’ brand name. With the launch of its m8 World SIM, EA's MVNOs and Buzzme clients can access roaming services based on the eSIM remote provision and management technology enabled by Taisys Technologies, the provider of the Slimduet platform.
The m8 World SIM is a travel SIM enabled by Taisys slimduet platform, realizing eSIM technology for consumer devices. The m8 World SIM product is made available to EA's existing MVNOs and potential MVNO customers in ASEAN.
The Taisys slimduet Platform is a remote SIM provisioning and management platform developed for consumer devices, initially targeting ‘silent roamers’ who do not roam on their home operator's SIM while abroad and instead opt for alternative sources to stay connected. The platform serves as an international marketplace for mobile operators to supply and sell prepaid plans, providing end-users with interoperable and cross-border mobile connectivity of data, voice, and SMS services on demand. For mobile network operators (MNOs), the platform provides wholesale as a service in which MNO services are digitalized and distributed to mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) in real-time, where retail as a service is enabled.