AT&T大力投资高速电信网络,积极扩大其网络覆盖范围,致力于覆盖到到墨西哥的每一个角落。但是墨西哥的主要运营商America Movil采取了降半价的方式,成功反击。
墨西哥从2014年起开始电信改革,America Movil具有明显的市场优势,但如果其不将市场份额降至低于50%,将面临处罚。AT&T希望America Movil愿意放弃部分客户以避免被罚,从而抓住这个机会来扩大其自身的客户基础。
相反的是,比起AT&T曾收购Group Iusacell和Nextel Mexico的行为,America Movil不出售资产更专注于其客户基础。
除了America Movil,AT&T的竞争对手还有西班牙电信和众多虚商如Virgin Mobile,Mas Tiempo和QBOcel等。自从2014年起,AT&T在墨西哥并购总金额达到44亿美元。他还宣布,计划再投资30亿美元,争取让墨西哥的4G注册用户数量在2018年底达到1亿。
对于AT&T来说,想在America Movil的主监测区将其击败困难重重。亿万富翁Carlos Slim是墨西哥的电信巨头,市场份额比墨西哥市场上第二大电信运营商Telefonica高出近5倍。America Movil规模庞大,可以很容易地投资在网络基础设施上,以提供优质服务。
AT&T Will Struggle to Become Number One Telecoms Player in Mexico
US telecom giant AT&T is making aggressive moves in Mexico to grab market share from rival telecom operators, but its goal to become the country’s number one carrier in ten years is looking too ambitious.
The US firm is investing heavily in high-speed telecom networks and widening coverage to every corner of the country, but Mexico’s dominant operator America Movil is countering successfully by halving prices.
Once the Mexican telecoms reform was established in 2014, America Movil was named as the market’s preponderant player and would face penalties if it did not reduce its market share below 50%. AT&T hoped that America Movil would willingly shed customers to avoid being fined, providing an opportunity to widen its customer base.
However, once AT&T had established a footprint through the acquisitions of Group Iusacell and Nextel Mexico, America Movil stopped trying to sell assets and focused instead on retaining its customer base.
In addition to America Movil, AT&T also competes with Telefonica and a number of mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) such as Virgin Mobile, Mas Tiempo, and QBOcel, among others. Since 2014, the US firm has spent US$4.4 billion on acquisitions in Mexico. It has also unveiled plans to spend an additional US$3 billion and sign up 100 million Mexican customers for 4G services by the end of 2018.
Last year, AT&T combined Iusacell with Nextel’s network and created the first ever North American mobile service area, covering over 400 million consumers. But the network has not gained as many customers as the company expected.
It seems AT&T is heavily reliant on next generation networks to widen its footprint in Mexico. In February 2016, the company requested that the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) grant a license to test 5G technologies.
Beating out America Movil on its home turf will be too big a dream to realize for AT&T. The Mexican telecoms giant, owned by billionaire Carlos Slim, is approximately five times bigger than the second largest player in the Mexican market, namely Spanish operator Telefonica. Due to its massive scale, America Movil can easily invest heavily in network infrastructure in order to provide superior service.
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【国际MSO快讯】NTT Com在香港推出移动虚拟网络提供商(MVNE)平台:https://www.asiaott.net/2016/09/07-131863.html