Transatel的老板Jacques Bonifay认为,提供4G服务方面的问题很重要。移动虚拟网络提供商(MVNE)去年向市场上推出了使用EE网络的邮政虚商,但被推迟了。邮政移动的头儿Geoffrey Smythe告诉Mobile,之所以会推迟是因为要等4G的推出。Bonifay将此归咎于网络。
TransferTo向Mobile介绍到,虚商已经宣布了移动金融市场的重大利润,然而这已经被英国网络所抛弃。首席执行官Eric Barbier解释,汇款平台与英国虚商例如Lebara一起给用户提供一个简单途径使用预付费空中通话,以及移动金融市场。尽管说这个市场是有利可图的,Barbier认为传统网络运营商更应该稍退一步,将市场留给虚商。
另一个方面就是移动支付。这在很大程度上是硬件制造商的重点,例如Apple Pay和Samsung Pay和Android Pay。支付平台Gemalto提供多项服务帮助移动运营商和虚商进入该领域。据英国和爱尔兰的高级总裁Howard Berg说,后者正在采取“等等看”的方法来开始移动支付。
每家虚商都有其自己的市场定位,而且因为移动支付是开创性的,并没有很多虚商愿意做这方面。维珍传媒(Virgin Media)正在打开市场,他的策略就是如何开拓更广阔的市场。对于大部分虚商来说,要研究如何使支付方式适应他们的策略。现在还没有很多来自移动运营商和虚商的支付,现在主要是一些制造商也是目前的动力所在。
金雅拓公司(Gemalto,泛欧证券交易所股票代码:NL0000400653 GTO)于2006年6月由全球最大的两家智能卡厂商Axalto(雅斯拓)和Gemplus(金普斯)合并成立。 是数字安全领域的全球领先企业,2008年营业收入达16.8亿欧元,在40个国家设有75家办事处、研究中心和服务中心,员工总数达10,000人。金雅拓为数字领域的应用提供安全的设备、软件和服务。
No 4G for me?
For Transatel boss Jacques Bonifay, the problem lies in providing 4G services. The MVNE recently launched the Post Office MVNO into the market on EE last year, but this was delayed. Post Office head of mobile Geoffrey Smythe tells Mobile that the delay came from having to wait for 4G, something that Bonifay blames on the network.
‘4G came into the market a while back,’ he says. ‘We imagined Transatel would have 4G access two to three years ago it was just a recent addition. The typical position from the MNO is to charge more for 4G and to me that is not logical. The technology allows higher bandwidth and enables the end user to do more megabytes. If you price the megabytes at the same price as 3G and 4G, then by definition the ARPU for the operator will be higher, so I don’t understand why we should pay a premium, as from an industrial standpoint it doesn’t make sense.’
Bonifay describes the UK MVNO space as one where business is difficult, expressing surprise that a tougher stance is not taken by UK regulator Ofcom. ‘Some time ago there were more players in the UK market’, he says, ‘but business is difficult, the MVNO business is difficult, your biggest supplier is your biggest competitor. EE and Three are big players in the MVNO space, O2 is not very visible in the market and Vodafone has stepped back a little.
‘I’m surprised that the UK regulator doesn’t look at it; they are very much on the off side. They don’t really ask questions or look at how the market is evolving. If I compare theUK and France, the French regulators keep on asking questions and the UK regulators look at things from further away, but it’s a different way to do things.’
Making the most of money
MVNOs have laid claim to the ‘significant’ profits of the mobile money market, one which has largely been abandoned by UK networks, TransferTo has told Mobile. CEO Eric Barbier explains that the remittance platform works with UK MVNOs such as Lebara to give them a simple route into the prepaid airtime and mobile money market. Despite describing the market as lucrative, Barbier believes that networks have preferred to take a step back, leaving the market to MVNOs.
Operators in the UK have given this market to the MVNOs. As far as I understand they are not being aggressive in this segment and we have seen this in a few markets in Europe where they prefer to have MVNOs to target this segment. If you really want to go into the remittance space, either you have offices abroad or you work with us. Telcos have really embraced mobile financial services and it is becoming more and more important, so the revenues and profits they are making are becoming significant.
‘In the UK we work with Lebara because it is targeting this segment of the market. We are bringing it revenues and transactions from countries it could not otherwise get.’
Moving into payments
On the other side of the spectrum are mobile payments. This has largely been the focus of hardware manufacturers, with Apple Pay and the anticipated launch of Samsung Pay and Android Pay. Payments platform Gemalto provides a number of services to help both MNOs and MVNOs move into this space. According to Howard Berg, senior VP of UK & Ireland, the latter has taken a ‘wait and see’ approach to mobile payments.
‘MVNOs are key customers but they are looking at the market and waiting to see how it develops. We provide trusted services hub and a virtual cloud to make it easier for MVNOs to connect to major UK banks.
‘Each MVNO has its own market position, and while mobile payments is a great initiative, it’s not high up on many wish lists. Virgin Media is attacking the business market and its strategy on everything depends on its strategy to the wider market. For a lot of MVNOs it’s about findings how payments fit into their strategy, There haven’t been a lot of payments from MNOs or MVNOs, it’s all about manufacturers and that’s where the momentum is at the moment.
‘The danger is the confusion overload to the consumer, so a lot of MVNOs in particular are thinking about customer priorities and saying that actually connectivity is the biggest issue at the moment. Payments are probably on that list but a lot are using Apple Pay and Android Pay almost as a free trial to see what happens.’